Baby no. 2 is on his/her way for the Waldrip Fambam. These photos turned  much better than I expected!  We had to push back our original session date due to bad weather, and the day we decided to go for it- it was super winddddy, wet and cold! poor Tracy’s hair was in every direction and I thought the dark clouds were going to for sure ruin our maternity session, but to my surprise it doesn’t even look that overcast in these photos. Jeff and Tracy Waldrip are both teachers at East Bakersfield High School ( go Blades! I am a former blade – class of 2006 woot woot! ) and Jeff coaches basketball, so they wanted some pictures with her holding a basketball and thats what her baby bump looks like, a little basketball under her shirt 🙂 all belly!  Their two year old was shy at first but with the bribery of  my kids doodle-board that was in my car and some oreos he flashed his cute cheese face for me 🙂 We ended our session in the tree orchards and warm sunlight peeked through the leaves as we wrapped up  and it was a relief to finally have some sun! They are waiting until their baby is here to know the gender, my guess is a little baby girl! I am excited for them! Congrats on your new little one Waldrip family!!! 🙂 enjoy…

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