Nick & Brandi got married on a very pretty & sunny day, on October 1th, 2010 in Bakerfield, Ca. Bakersifeld weather is so up and down, and they were lucky to have nice warm sun on the day of their wedding. Brandi prepared for her big day at the salon where she works (house of color, shes an awesome stylist btw! 🙂 ) and a family friend let us borrow their way rad convertable (woahh! :D) for some pictures before the ceremony!
The couple said I do at a close family friends home (which was gorgeousl!) , and enjoyed the rest of their reception with many friends and family. Brandi was such a down to earth and easy going bride, she made my job very easy and I loved that about her . She had the cutest wedding shoes I have personally ever seen a bride wear, if ya don’t believe me check out the picture posted in this blog, their to die for! In many of the photos I snapped, you can tell how much Nick and Brandi are loved by their families. They have a precious baby girl named Brinkly who smiled right at the camera while her parents recited their vows to eachother. Brandi had a special surprise engraved in Nick’ s wedding band that said, ‘may our love bloom’. She told me Nick wrote that to her in their first valentines day card 🙂 Nick and Brandi, I hope your love continues to bloom for eachother, and wish you many years of health and happiness, congratulations!